Stefanescu Cristian – Romania

FCI All Breeds Judge
Adress: C.P.165 – O.P.12
Bucuresti 014750 Romania
President of the Romanian Kennel Club
Languages: English & French
Occupation: Executive Manager
Breeder/owner of the English Cocker Spaniel & American Staffordshire Terrier
- Judge recognized by the Romanian Kennel Club since 1992.
- Qualifications: All-rounder since 2005
- Judgement appointments in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Letonia, Lituania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldavia, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, U.S.A.
- Important Events: Royal Championship of Melbourne-Australia, Autumn Festival of Adelaide-Australia, Australasian Top Ten, Central Eastern European Cup, Eurasia-Moscow, FCI European Dog Show Helsinki, FCI World Dog Show Poznan, FCI European Dog Show Zagreb, Championnat de France Lyon, FCI European Dog Show Budapest, Bundessieger Dortmund, Europasieger Dortmund, FCI European Dog Show Ireland, FCI World Dog Show Bratislava, Eurodogshow Kortrijk, Finnish Championship & Nordic Winner Helsinki, FCI World Dog Show Denmark, FCI World Dog Show Paris, FCI European Dog Show Netherlands.
- Specialty shows: Dogo Canario-Warsaw,Poland, Cane Corso-Genova Italy, Dogue de Bordeaux-Speciale-Amiens, Collie Rough – Germany, Toy dogs, Gun Dogs, Championship of Belgian Royal Club of Sighthounds.
- President of the Romanian Kennel Club (since 2005)
- Honorary President of the Romanian Club of Toy Dogs
- Founder and president of The Metropolitan Bucharest Kennel Club
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee FCI European Dog Show Bucharest-2012
- Chairman of the Organizing Committee of International Dog Shows Bucharest
- Member of the FCI Judges Commission
- Member of American Dog Show Judges Association
- Member of National Geographic Society & Lomographic International Society
- Colaboration in several dog magazines, seminares and lectures about dog breeding, conformation, breeds and regulations
- Golden Medal of the Romanian Kennel Club
- Golden Medal of the Hungarian Kennel Club
Mobile: +40 723 537312, Fax: +40 318 165998, email: